Day 16: Community project in Harare

20 November 2013

Today was one of those intense days, but nevertheless, one of the best in a while according to some. The start itself was something spectacular with monkeys shouting and running around in the hostel´s corridors. Maybe they had smelled the wonderful breakfast awaiting us; eggs, beans and sausages prepared by the church members.

Shortly after this, we were given a tour by one of the church member named Simba (POWERFUL in Shona, the native language of Zimbabwe). A tour through the church facilities by Simba, and then a look around the local neighborhood. During the tour we were guided through the village streets, filled with small barber saloons and people selling everything from tomatoes to Madora (grilled caterpillar). Some of us gave the local “insect-delicacy” a try and the judgement was; crispy and salty. Even though this might seem indigent enough for some, the interests for local things didn´t end here. Two of the members (Arthur & Viktor) decided to get a so called Zimbabwe haircut. 2 dollars later they both had got “sidecuts” and a special emblem imprinted on their newly shaved skulls.

Then it was time to paint the church which was successfully made according to the church members.


Exhausted as we were after the painting, we decided to go into the town of Harare for a dinner.

Well in the city, the group split up. Some went to Nando´s for some spicy Portuguese food, whereas others went along Simba on a walk to find themselves sitting at a local place eating Mopunga (peanut butter with rice) and chicken feet. The first, a bit more palatable than the last. No matter destination we all got to experience Harare by night which was quite spectacular. This cause the people of Harare were hard to spot since the streetlights were missing, but you could HEAR them. Big time. People trying to get a hold of you and shouting all over the street trying to sell things like tomatoes, air-time and minibus rides. A busy African city by night in other words and definitely a worthy ending to this long intense day.


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